Arizona Judge blocks boycott law

States can’t punish businesses for boycotting Israel, federal judge in Arizona says

States can’t punish businesses for boycotting Israel, federal judge in Arizona says

The finding by a federal judge was the second this year to turn back a wave of state legislation prohibiting anti-Israel activity.


Judge blocks Kansas punishment of BDS Schoolteacher

Federal judge blocks Kansas law punishing BDS supporters

In an unprecedented victory for the BDS movement, a federal judge has blocked Kansas from enforcing a state law which punishes those who express support or engage in the boycott of Israel…


Shut up about BDS or get put on the LightBlueList

Now Israel Has a Blacklist of Its Own.

Boycott Drive Put Israel on a Blacklist. Now Israel Has One of Its Own.

Israel published a blacklist of 20 organizations, including a Jewish-American group, whose leaders are barred from entering the country for supporting the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.


Only $72M for Anti-BDS propaganda and lawfare?

International Jews against Zionism put the number at $300M in their Business of Backlash report.

Israeli Government OKs $72 Million Anti-BDS Project

Israeli Government OKs $72 Million Anti-BDS Project

A not-for-profit organization will have a board comprising Israeli government officials and foreign donors who will support the program.


Texas Hurricane Relief issue

Texas Law Requires Hurricane Victims To Not Boycott Israel In Order To Get Aid

Texas Law Requires Hurricane Victims To Not Boycott Israel In Order To Get Aid

“You pick any divisive issue — it would be a breach of the transparency we expect of government to kick people like that when they’re down.”


ACLU sues Kansas

The ACLU is suing Kansas. Its Mennonites against Jews!  Do not donate to the ACLU!!

Wichita teacher sues Kansas for denying her work because she boycotts Israel

Wichita teacher sues Kansas for denying her work because she boycotts Israel

Esther Koontz, a Wichita public school curriculum coach and wife of a Mennonite pastor, endorsed Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel because she came to believe through her churc…
