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Book Award Withdrawn

Kamila Shamsie’s book award withdrawn over her part in Israel boycott

Kamila Shamsie’s book award withdrawn over her part in Israel boycott

Nelly Sachs prize was given to Shamsie this month, but its German jury has reversed decision because of the novelist’s pro-Palestinian activism


Kentucky is 26th state to pass unconstitutional law

26 states now favor Israel over free speech.

Gov. Mark Bevin signed anti-BDS law, pro-Israel supporters praised it.

Stark and Hoenlein state “We look forward to the remaining 24 states rejecting the pernicious BDS campaign in the days ahead.”


Is BDS Anti-semitic? A NYT analysis

In a matter of months, a campaign to boycott Israel has moved from the margins of politics — liberal college campuses and protest marches — to Congress, where the freshman Representatives Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan have become its most vocal backers, drawing fire from the White House.

On Tuesday, the House overwhelmingly passed a resolution condemning the campaign, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. With its adherents prominent in the British Labour Party and critics fighting it in Washington and dozens of state capitals, B.D.S. has become a proxy for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the United States and Europe, with all the emotion the conflict stirs.

The movement’s supporters are routinely accused of anti-Semitism. Opponents are accused of trampling on free speech. Yet B.D.S. is often misunderstood and misrepresented by people on both sides. Is it a legitimate, nonviolent protest to protect the rights of Palestinians, or a movement that aims to eliminate Israel and traffics in anti-Semitism?

Here are answers to some of the most difficult questions….