Kentucky is 26th state to pass unconstitutional law

26 states now favor Israel over free speech.

Gov. Mark Bevin signed anti-BDS law, pro-Israel supporters praised it.

Stark and Hoenlein state “We look forward to the remaining 24 states rejecting the pernicious BDS campaign in the days ahead.”


Dr. Rand Paul takes a stand.

Just because you’re libertarian, and your father published antisemitic screeds, doesn’t mean you have to block our jewish-sponsored anti-speech legislation, buster.

Rand Paul under fire for blocking Israel bills

Rand Paul under fire for blocking Israel bills

The Kentucky Republicans stance could hurt his relationship with the president.


Kentucky late to the speech suppression game

They didn’t run this TIP legislation like they run the Kentucky derby. Lots of Israeli brass is on hand for passing these laws, no registered foreign agents needed!

Governor Signs Order Barring Kentucky from Doing Business with Entities That Boycott Israel

Governor Signs Order Barring Kentucky from Doing Business with Entities That Boycott Israel

Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin signed an order to ban contracts with companies that comply with the Boycott, Divestment, & Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel
